ParksMcCandless Park

This community park is located within the City of Brampton is a component of an open space campus including Huttonville Creek tributary, a future secondary school and an existing heritage property that surrounds the Andrew McCandless heritage farm house. Programmed to include a valley-land naturalization in addition to traditional park features the heritage park includes; playground, splash pad, shade structures, pedestrian bridges, skate park, washroom building, two multi-purpose courts, cricket combination including parking facilities and LID strategies. As part of the valley-land naturalization portion environmental initiatives included wetland creation, riparian zones along the valley corridor with integrated recreational trails. LPL was retained to provide analysis of the initial overall concept provided by the City, develop a preferred concept complementary of the site conditions and ultimately advancing the project through detailed design, working drawings and contract administration.

McCandless Park
City of Brampton

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