Open Space & TrailsBartley Smith Trail System

For over a decade, Landscape Planning Limited has been designing and overseeing the implementation of the Bartley Smith Greenway. Phase 4 was completed in 2013 and eff ectively provided pedestrian linkages to existing trail networks to the north of Rutherford Road and south of Jacod Keff er Parkway, along the Don River Tributary. Extensive consultation with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority lead to permit approval and the successful trail routing around an environmentally signifi cant area. The water course is crossed three times with a 15m pre-fabricated metal bridge and two structurally engineered wooden boardwalks. Steep side slopes accessing the Valley system were a challenge. To address this potential obstacle, a 45m long elevated wooden ramp complete with a switchback facilitates safe pedestrian access onto the Bartley Smith Greenway Trail System.

Bartley Smith Trail System
City of Vaughan

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